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The Men's Room UnZipped started off with the idea of two friends realizing they have crazy long and hard convos on everything. Being very different they have great coverage in topics and discussions. They do the show for mostly fun and enjoy sharing their stories. 



Founder/CEO/Talkshow Host


 Akillez is a meat and potatoes kind of guy. Simple yet effective he makes his presence known everywhere he goes. He's a writer, a father and husband. He lives for the moment and sticks up for his loved ones. Alot of random shit happens to Akillez but he tanks it like a champ.

Talk Show Co-Host


Kaine is the kind of guy that'll know where your watch is made in the world. He has expensive tastes in things and loves redheads. He has a formidable view on the world and a pessimistic view on Justin Bieber, Reggaeton and Black people.

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